Friday, November 23, 2007

God, What's Going On Here?

Dear God:

Speaking on behalf of myself, and Fake NY AREA, have to say we both are quite upset with you right now. Haven't I been a good solid Nuclear Christian? At every opportunity, I am out singing the praises of Nuclear Jesus, have even been pro nuclear longer than Fake Patrick Moore. So, how come he and Fake Jim Steets have been nominated for a BAA, and we, or more specifically, I have not been?

Are there dark forces at work here? That's it! Of course, I should have thought of this much sooner. Oh God! How could I have doubted you. It all makes sense now. Demonic forces are wanting to cause dissension in our ranks. Well, it is not going to happen. Fake Jim Steets, and Fake Patrick Moore deserve those awards. Maybe Fake NY AREA could start a campaign aimed at helping them win this BAA? We could even send in our own nominations for NEI, CASEnergy, even that shrew Fake Christine Todd Whitman. Between me and you God, not sure we should trust her. Have you noticed she has not started a prayer blog? Not only that, she has been very careful so far in avoiding having her picture taken with me. What, Fake Norris McDonald is good enough for Condi, but not good enough for Christine?

Bet those anti-nuclear hillbillies are behind this. Please God, grant me the power of lightening bolts so that I can smite down mine enemies in your name.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to the FAke NY AREA Prayer Blog-Your Host, Naughty McDonald

OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAWD, this is just so exciting. I was over at Entergy this week seeing Fake Jim Steets, and he told me all about the prayer blogs that he and Rob Williams had started up in Brattleboro, and of course being a man of God myself, I just had to join in the fun...I mean, anything little old me can do to help support Entergy or the Nuclear Renaissance. Don't let my asthma fool you, I am one tough cracker.

Anyway God, since I am just starting this prayer blog, thought I would ask you for a bit of, OK, a big favor. You see, I am really sweet on Condi Rice, and am hoping maybe you can put in a good word for me, maybe give me a fighting chance with her. She is ONE HOT MOMMA. Oh, and could you not let her know that it was me that started that rumor over on the AAEA Hollywood blog that the two of us might just be and item?

I know I should not of done it, but thought it was a CUTE WAY to get her attention. When I met her, I was going to ask her out, and got all tongue tied. Next thing you knew, I was grabbing for my inhaler and she walked off on me. Yes, I know it was just a standard photo op opportunity, but really felt we CONNECTED in those ten seconds.

Thank You God, and Amen